coastal upwelling, geophysical fluid dynamics + the global carbon cycle

What is the fate of carbon in highly productive coastal upwelling systems and what role do they play in global carbon budgets?

Coastal upwelling systems are biologically productive regions of the ocean where cold, nutrient rich water is transported from the deep to the surface. These waters support strong fisheries and play a significant role in regional climate, but the complex interaction between physical and biogeochemical processes in these systems are still poorly understood - particularly in the Gulf of Guinea where a unique local geography, its proximity to the equator and a lack of in situ measurements make understanding the underlying physics a unique challenge.

Advised by Dr. Amala Mahadevan (WHOI) as part of the Schmidt Ocean Institute and Ocean Margins Initiative, I’m exploring the dynamics of these upwelling systems and their representation in models of the global carbon cycle through process-study numerical modeling, satellite data analysis and oceanographic fieldwork.

oyster reef hydrodynamics, wave mechanics + the design of nature-based coastal adaptation

Instead of building miles and miles of seawalls that reduce access to the shore and destroy marine intertidal communities, what if we fortified our coastlines by restoring oyster reefs?

Oysters possess an extraordinary ability to alter both ecological and hydrodynamic conditions in the environment by filtering water, creating marine habitat, strengthening marine economies and stabilizing shorelines. Although several studies have quantified wave attenuation by oyster reefs, most fail to synthesize this into applied design guidance that also considers the environmental conditions that enable oysters to thrive.

Advised by Prof. Heidi Nepf (Nepf Lab, MIT), I’m investigating wave processes/hydrodynamics in constructed oyster reefs and the design of nature-based coastal protection. Through a combination of physical model experiments, computational fluid dynamics and design studio methodology, I seek to facilitate coastal adaptation that strengthens a holistic, multispecies understanding of community resilience.